Guides to Lucid Dreaming

Everything you ever wanted to know about Lucid Dreaming in one place.

All our articles are organised into guides so no matter where you are in your lucid dreaming journey you can find a guide to help you. Whether you're just getting started with lucid dreaming, want to know how to get yourself unstuck, or dive deeper into the science of dreams and lucidity, check out the guides below. Or if you're just curious, head to the Lucid Dream Blog to see all the latest content.

wide open eye over a dream landscape representing the minds eye and waking up inside a dream

New to Lucid Dreaming? Start here, with this complete step-by-step guide to all the basics to get you started on your lucid journey. We all have so many questions when we start out, but don't worry you aren't alone, you'll find all the answers here; What is a lucid dream? How do I trigger a lucid dream? What can I do once i'm lucid? What's the best lucid technique for a beginner?

man sat on bed looking up at night sky hopefully

Are you stuck making slow (or no) progress? Trying the same old techniques with no results? Then this guide is for you, all our articles on a Better Way to Lucid Dream in one place. Discover; why the MILD technique isn't working for you, how to remove psychological blocks to lucidity, and what the research tells us about the most effective ways to induce a lucid dream.

charts and graphs of key information for lucid dream techniques

Want to know more about a specific lucid dream induction technique? Here's a breakdown of all the most popular techniques; what works, what doesn’t, which techniques actually have evidence backing them up, and a step-by-step 'how to' for each

man listening to headphones in meditative position with brainwave frequency pattern overlaid

Techniques alone are only half the story, see how you can increase the quantity, frequency and reliability of your lucid drams by using the right tools. Recent scientific discoveries have been showing us there are more effective ways to induce lucid dreams.

scientists examining a larger than life human brain to represent the science of lucid dreaming

Ready to go down the Rabbit Hole? Everything that’s going on in the world of lucid dreaming, dig into the science of dreaming, the biology of lucidity, the best diet for achieving a lucid dream, and what people all round the world are doing with their lucid experiences

lucid dream researchers at work in a laboratory

What’s going on in the world of Lucid Dreaming research?If you want to be right at the cutting edge, this is where you can find summariess of recent discoveries, discussion of what reseach findings mean for us, and interviews with Lucid Dream Experts